Carroll Roberson - Diamonds and Gold Lyrics

Diamonds and Gold Lyrics

I was a beggar when I found this Gold mine
I was a stranger without a song
But now I can sing I m a Child of the King

And just wait till you see my new Home

And I'm as wealthy as a King in a Palace
I ve got riches that's never been told
With Jesus I'm an Heir oh I m a Millionaire
And I feel like my pockets are full of
Diamonds and Gold Diamonds and Gold

I guess I ll never have a lot of money
But I got riches way down in my soul
And I'd rather have this peace
If it means poverty

Yes I feel like my pockets
Are full of Diamonds and Gold
And I m as wealthy as a King in a Palace
I've got riches that s never been told

With Jesus I'm an Heir oh I m a Millionaire
And I feel like my pockets are full of
Diamonds and Gold Diamonds and Gold
And I'm as wealthy as a King in a palace

I've got riches that s never been told
With Jesus I m an Heir oh I'm a Millionaire
And I feel like my pockets are full of
Diamonds and Gold Diamonds and Gold

Diamonds and Gold Video

Diamonds and Gold Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

Diamonds and Gold: A Song of Spiritual Wealth and Contentment


"Diamonds and Gold" is a gospel song written and performed by Carroll Roberson. It is a powerful and uplifting song that conveys the message of spiritual wealth and contentment in the Christian faith.

Verse 1:
"I was a beggar when I found this Gold mine
I was a stranger without a song
But now I can sing I'm a Child of the King
And just wait till you see my new Home"

The opening lines of the song describe the transformation that occurs when one finds a relationship with God. The speaker acknowledges their previous state of neediness and emptiness, but with the discovery of God's love and grace, they now have a reason to sing and rejoice. The reference to being a "Child of the King" alludes to the believer's adoption into God's family through faith in Jesus Christ. The mention of a "new Home" suggests the promise of eternal life in heaven.

"And I'm as wealthy as a King in a Palace
I've got riches that's never been told
With Jesus I'm an Heir, oh I'm a Millionaire
And I feel like my pockets are full of
Diamonds and Gold, Diamonds and Gold"

The chorus of the song emphasizes the spiritual wealth and riches that come from a relationship with Jesus Christ. The speaker declares that they are as wealthy as a king in a palace, not in material possessions, but in the abundant blessings and spiritual treasures that come from being a child of God. The reference to being an "Heir" and a "Millionaire" highlights the believer's inheritance and the immeasurable value of their relationship with Christ. The mention of "Diamonds and Gold" symbolizes the priceless nature of the spiritual blessings and rewards that believers have in Christ.

Verse 2:
"I guess I'll never have a lot of money
But I got riches way down in my soul
And I'd rather have this peace
If it means poverty
Yes, I feel like my pockets are full of
Diamonds and Gold, Diamonds and Gold"

In the second verse, the speaker acknowledges that they may not possess great wealth in the worldly sense, but they find contentment and fulfillment in the riches of their soul. The lyrics express a preference for inner peace and spiritual prosperity over material wealth. This echoes the biblical teaching of Jesus in Matthew 6:19-21, where he encourages believers not to store up treasures on earth but to focus on storing up treasures in heaven.

Meaning and Inspiration:

The song "Diamonds and Gold" carries a profound message about the true source of wealth and contentment. It reminds believers that their true value and worth come from their relationship with God and the spiritual blessings they receive through faith in Jesus Christ. The song encourages believers to find joy and fulfillment in their spiritual riches rather than chasing after worldly possessions.

The inspiration behind the song can be understood in light of Carroll Roberson's own faith journey. As a Christian artist, Roberson seeks to share the message of God's love and salvation through his music. "Diamonds and Gold" reflects his personal experience of finding true wealth and contentment in Christ, despite any lack of material possessions.

Biblical Analysis:

From a biblical perspective, "Diamonds and Gold" aligns with several key teachings found in the Bible. The song emphasizes the importance of spiritual wealth and the eternal value of our relationship with God. It echoes the teachings of Jesus, who taught that true riches are found in heaven and not in worldly possessions (Matthew 6:19-21).

The song also highlights the biblical concept of believers being adopted as children of God (Romans 8:14-17). The reference to being an "Heir" and a "Millionaire" reflects the biblical truth that believers are co-heirs with Christ and will inherit the kingdom of God.

Furthermore, the song emphasizes the biblical value of contentment and the pursuit of inner peace over material wealth. The lyrics echo the apostle Paul's teaching in Philippians 4:11-13, where he states that he has learned to be content in all circumstances through Christ's strength.


In conclusion, "Diamonds and Gold" by Carroll Roberson is a powerful song that conveys the message of spiritual wealth and contentment in the Christian faith. The song reminds believers of the immeasurable value of their relationship with God and encourages them to find joy and fulfillment in their spiritual blessings rather than chasing after worldly possessions. It aligns with biblical teachings on true riches, adoption as children of God, and the pursuit of contentment. Through its uplifting lyrics, the song reminds Christians of the priceless treasures they have in Christ and encourages them to live with gratitude and spiritual abundance.

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